Saturday, April 18, 2009

Understanding The Fatherhood Of God!

Christianity is not a call to struggle, or to try to become something, it is a call to partake of what has been made available. Christianity is a call to a ready feast because in one of His parables, Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to a marriage feast which was prepared by a king. And after the king had ensured that all things were set, He sent His servants to tell the invitees, “…Come; for all things are now ready” (Luke 14:17). God would never call you until all things that you need have been made ready. The reason He called you is because all that you require for life and godliness have been made ready. But the greatest hindrance that robs many people of their portion in God is slavery mentality. Many people come to God with the mentality that they are slaves of God and you know a slave will always be limited, no matter how long he has lived in a home. Until his mentality is changed, a slave remains a slave. Even when he is adopted as a son, he remains in chains until he is made to understand the reality of his new status.

The life of a slave is characterized by fear, restrains and feelings of unworthiness. Even when he is given a gift, he is not sure whether it is fully his; he is always cautious and fearful. This is the kind of attitude that many believers have and it shows in their prayer language, attitude, appearances and approach. Among other things that Jesus came to do is to destroy the mentality of slavery and to introduce to us, the fatherhood of God; to show us what it means to be children of God.

All through the Old Testament they were relating with God as slaves, they knew Him as God the Almighty, not as a loving Father. But in the New Testament Jesus came to introduce God to us as our Father. And you know, no matter how wicked a father is, He would still be biased towards his child. If for instance your child fights in the neighbourhood, and the report is brought to you, what do you do? You put him behind you tell the people, “Okay, I will deal with him by myself.” You wouldn’t bring your child out, put him in the hand of the enemy and say, “Go and punish him! Deal with him!” No! God teaches us spiritual things with the natural. If you as a natural father would not put your child in the hand of the enemy why do you think God, your heavenly Father would allow the enemy to afflict you? God would never put you in an accident, no matter how angry the devil is. A father is a father anytime any day.

Please loosen up! Stop looking like a slave! You have a heavenly Father who is always there with you; defending you, covering you, protecting you, preserving your life and your destiny! Change your mentality because you will never enjoy Christianity until you change your slavery mentality for that of sonship.

Meditate on these: Romans 8:16-17, John 20:17

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